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About Us In the heart of Istanbul, a city as enchanting as it is enigmatic, lies MOV Diamond & Jewelry, the brainchild of a visionary couple, Mehmet Onur and Lara.

This haven of bespoke jewelry artistry was born out of a genuine love story—a story that started not just between two individuals but between artisans and their craft.

Since its inception in 2021, MOV Diamond & Jewelry has represented the culmination of over 18 years of dedication, learning, and an unwavering commitment to excellence in the world of fine jewelry. From the very beginning, Mehmet and Lara's united passion for diamonds and precious stones guided them through journeys far and wide.

It's a path that fosters deep connections and insights into the workings of classic and contemporary jewelry designs, ultimately fostering an environment where creativity and craftsmanship convene to create magic. MOV Diamond & Jewelry is not simply another brand in the luxury market. It's a philosophical testament, enshrining the belief that each piece of jewelry embodies a personal saga.

With this in mind, our founders meticulously hand-select each gem, not only for its inherent beauty but also for its ethical provenance.

Our jewels originate from conflict-free zones, ensuring that our pieces are as pure in spirit as they are in sparkle.

The intimate involvement of Mehmet and Lara in every facet of the jewelry-making process is a rarity in this industry.

It's their personal touch—from the initial design sketches to the selection of the most exquisite materials, all the way through to the delicate processes of crafting and polishing—that MOV Diamond & Jewelry prides itself on.

This level of craftsmanship ensures that every piece is not just a piece of jewelry but a manifestation of our devotion, a marker of our heritage, and a legacy of our artistry. At MOV Diamond & Jewelry, we've created a haven where the traditions of old meet the revolutions of the new.

Our Istanbul workshop buzzes with artisans and designers, a place where time-honored techniques merge seamlessly with avant-garde design ideas, producing jewels that stand out for being timeless yet modern, classics yet distinct.

As we turn our gaze to the horizon, we are filled with gratitude. We cherish the relationships we've built with you, and our patrons, and we are humbled by the trust you place in us to be a part of your significant life events.

Your stories inspire our creations, and your moments define our purpose. The future for MOV Diamond & Jewelry is shimmering brightly. With plans to broaden our reach through new retail locations in 2024, we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to weave our story into the fabric of more lives across the globe.

We invite you to join us on this splendid journey, to experience the love and care we invest in every shimmering carat and gleaming metal.

It's our promise to you to continue to deliver not just unmatched jewels but also to craft the heirlooms of tomorrow, the milestones of today, and the memories that will echo beautifully and brilliantly for eternity. Warmest regards, Mehmet Onur and Lara Co-founders, MOV Diamond & Jewelry